Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Elliott’s has a great track record in providing energy efficient, cost effective and practical Ventilation, Cooling & Heating solutions for Large Warehouses, Factory spaces and other similar projects. It has recently undertaken various cutting edge projects providing complete design and build HVAC solutions at various large Manufacturing sites including Printing Works and Manufacturing Plants for both new build and replacement / upgrade projects as well as a significant number of large scale ductwork and ventilation projects for various prestigious clients such as Boohoo and Amazon.
Most solutions incorporate Mechanical Waste Heat Recovery systems (MWHR) which help improve energy efficiency by removing the heat energy from the stale exhaust air and then adding it back to the fresh air being introduced thereby significantly reducing heat loss.
This significantly reduces energy costs and reduces environmental damage helping support the drive to Carbon Net Zero.
It is frequently overlooked that Modern Air Conditioning systems utilise renewable heat pump technology and are extremely energy efficient at both heating and cooling. They are typically 4 times more efficient than traditional gas or electric powered heating systems.
Modern Heat Pump system when linked to Air Socks for example can provide an extremely cost effective way of heating large spaces. These direct the warm air to precisely where it is needed and are typically 4 times more efficient than traditional forms of space heating. They also have the advantage that they can cool also when required so are extremely flexible.
All of which can result in substantially reduced running costs and lower carbon emissions.
The company has almost 20 years experience providing these systems and holds the coveted MCS accreditation for the installation of Air Source Heat Pumps.
Heat Pumps are classified as a Green Technology and emit Zero Carbon emissions.